My Why Enroot is a video series in which students, staff, volunteers, and board members share what makes them proud to be a part of Enroot. We hope that in hearing from our community – those who worked tirelessly to support immigrant students through the COVID crises, the anti-immigrant sentiment of our country today, and the ups and downs of being a teenager new to this country – you’ll know why immigrant youth need you now more than ever!
Enroot High School Students Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
Enroot College Success Students Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
Enroot Alumni Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
Enroot Volunteers Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
Enroot Staff Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
Enroot Board Members Share Their ‘My Why Enroot’!
As part of our Annual Giving Campaign this year, we have set an ambitious goal of raising $30,000 by the end of December. Your generous support is what makes our work with students possible. We hope you will once again rally to our side to provide students the critical support they need right now. You can double your donation by checking if your employer will match your gift! In hard times, we all take comfort in the knowledge that we can always count on our family. THANK YOU for being a part of the Enroot family and for being there for immigrant students.