About Tutoring with Enroot
As a tutor, you are a one-on-one academic resource for an immigrant high school student in our Enroot Program. Tutees are all immigrant high school students in Cambridge and Somerville. Tutors help with homework, language skills, and study skills. After an initial volunteer orientation, phone interview and two hour group training, we match you with a student based on the subject area(s) you feel comfortable tutoring. Our staff is on site during all tutoring sessions to support you. We match tutors based on students' academic needs and are not always able to match tutors with student immediately. Volunteers comfortable tutoring Algebra 2, Geometry, Computer Science, and Chemistry are highly encouraged to apply!
Time Commitment and Locations
Cambridge: 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Wednesdays at Enroot's office in Central Square
Somerville: 6:00 - 7:30 PM, Tuesdays at Somerville High School
Apply to become an Enroot Tutor
Required 3 hour training covering cultural competency and best practices for tutoring English language learners. We also hold a mid-year training with time to speak with other tutors about successes and challenges.
Meet other volunteers:
Enroot hosts regular meet-ups for our volunteer mentors and tutors. These optional events are a great way to meet new people and become connected to the broader Enroot community.
What Enroot Tutors have to say:
“I’m proud of all the hard work that my tutee put into her biology coursework. While it’s her work ethic and not necessarily her grade that I’m proud of, the fact that she pulled her grade up 3 letters by the end of the semester is a testament to her dedication and diligence.”
“The main highlight for me was seeing my tutee’s confidence in the subject grow. She moved from being timid and shy about what she knew to being self-reliant and assured that she was correct. I was consistently impressed by her growth and motivation.”
Tutor Resources
Resources for current tutors:
Khan Academy – Videos on topics from virtually all high school subjects and more.
Breaking News English – Short readings with vocabulary exercises, questions and other activities already prepared.
ELLO – Listening activities which you can search and select according to level, topic, and speaker’s accent. Recordings often include a transcript.
NPR – Listening and reading materials which you can search by topic to find a story that matches your student’s interests.
Dave’s ESL Café – Resources on grammar, slang, idioms, vocabulary, quizzes, etc.
Typing Club – Computer games to improve touch typing skills.
NoRedInk – English punctuation and grammar practice that can be personalized to the student's interests.
Educational Rap – Educational rap and hip-hop songs and worksheets.