My name is Dachenie Ganthier and I’m a 14-year-old sophomore at Cambridge Rindge Latin School. I was granted the amazing opportunity through Enroot to hear other people’s amazing and wonderful stories and their paths through the medical field. Those words awaken my soul when I hear them “THE MEDICAL FIELD” and a little fun fact about me is that I wanted to be a doctor since before I was born but I recently find about that I wanted to be a general surgeon. It was an honor to receive this opportunity and thankful for Enroot for providing this magical and magnificent experience to us. We were able to hear four amazing people’s stories and their way through become who they are today. The four awesome speakers explain their paths through working with organizations internationally. Which is awesome and they worked with organizations to respond trough humanitarian crisis around the world. They taught us that there are so many ways that you could be involved in the medical field. Sometimes they travel weekly to respond to humanitarian crisis around the world and find ways they can make their job better and be better at what they are.
“They inspired me to become what I want to become and more. ”
Don’t forget about the awesome free awesome food they provided for us (burgers to be exact) Who doesn’t love free food? I want to be a general surgeon and with Enroot behind my back I know I could be anything.